Monday, November 12, 2007

Atypical Veterans Day Blog

Why atypical? Because I wonder how many of our Pagan brothers and sisters are serving in silence. Because I wonder how many of our military brothers and sisters would harm them for their religious belief. It took until April 2007 before the US Government was FORCED to recognized Pagan soldiers with appropriate grave markers. Grave markers!!

Okay, call me nuts, but isn't what is put on someone's grave marker the final honor we give them? Were I Christian I certainly wouldn't want a pentagram on my grave marker, any more than were I Wiccan would I want a cross! Ughh. That this would even need debate amazes me.

And to take this thought one step further, how many Pagan soldiers are being given the opportunity for corporate worship should they choose? Not many. Why? Because the overwhelming number of Christian ministers in the military refuse to offer it. So the Pagan soldier is left to his own thoughts, choosing who he/she comes out of the "broom closet" to for fear of retribution by Christian superiors.

So then what do we do? We give vocal support to Pagan Soldiers. Find the organizations who are providing legal and moral support to these men and women and get involved. The least you can do is get involved in petition drives! Many sites have lists of Pagan soldiers to whom you can write and encourage.

So, to all vets, thank you from the depths of my heart for your selfless service. Whether one agrees with war or not, it is the soldier who deserves our gratitude. To the families of those who have given the ultimate sacrifice, thank you. You have our thanks and our prayers. And to our Pagan brothers and sisters, may you find you do not have to serve in silence any longer.

The veterans are the foundation of our country.

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