Saturday, January 15, 2005

Welcome to Saturday "TANK" Blogging

Ever have days where no matter what you do it turns out all wrong? Welcome to my day. You see, I thought I would share pics of the "kids" on Saturdays since it's one of those down days where you either do everything all in one day or spend the day in a vegetative state in front of the sports channel.

So, my lovely assistant (my partner) took a whole bunch of pics of the dog, Tank. She and the dog are inseparable. If she could bring him to work and church, she would. It's really pathetic, okay? (No, I'm not jealous! Ughh.) She copied all of the pics onto a disk and brought it home from work. I hop online thinking I'll share some cute pictures with you. Will I? No. Why not? Computer won't read 'em.

What do you do with a project that falls apart in your lap? (Well, besides find the chocolate.) You IMPROVISE! Yes, there are days when we plan and plan like good folks and God comes along and says it just isn't His plan for the day. The most important thing in a moment like that is to ask Him what His plan is. Of course, that is what we should have done in the first place, right?

So, todays thoughts are on hearing God's plan. We have to make ourselves stop. It's so easy to just change directions and go our own way again. We are too quick to just assign this little hiccup to the back of our minds and move forward on our own.

But, God says, "My sheep listen to my voice; I know them and they follow me." (Jn 10:27) We should be listening for God's voice always. Oh how often have we gone our own way only to cry out to the Lord to save us from our own errors. Life would be so much simpler and better were we to listen to the voice of our Lord before setting out on any venture.

The word used for learn here is akouo which means to understand, comprehend or recognize. To me, Jesus is saying that we are to actively listen for His voice on a moment by moment basis so that we will know which way we are to go, or what we are to do...or conversely, not do. Are we actively listening for His voice??

So, today's short little lesson for me is to learn to stop and listen to the voice of God first, before making any mistakes that could really muck up a day!

Today, stop and listen for His voice and follow Him.

God's blessings for a glorious Lord's Day.

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